New CEO at Testfakta SV


Klaus Hahn has been appointed CEO of Testfakta.


Published: 14 Apr, 2020

Testfakta Group has streamlined and consolidated its business with a focus on sustainable production and consumption. By recruiting Klaus, Testfakta accelerates its efforts within the fields of communication and international expansion. "After almost 20 years, Testfakta’s quality testing is well known in Sweden and we’re are now more and more consolidating our position outside of the home territory - amongst others by cooperating with some 20 laboratory partners across Europe. Klaus’ knowledge of most consumer businesses coupled with his marked international experience are important factors for the company’s continued international development", says Bengt Vernberg, Chairman.

Klaus has a remarkable international background within communications, retail and marketing, most recently as co-founder and chairman for the award-winning communication agency Volontaire. "I have been passionate about and working with sustainable solutions for the longest time, but I felt the urge to come closer to manufacturing and product development. It is a blessing to be able to work with the whole value chain from sustainable production all the way to market communications, and to be able to contribute to increased usage of renewable materials, as we do within Testfakta Bio-based", says Klaus Hahn.