The effect of Best-in-Test

The effect of Testfakta's quality label.
The effect of Testfakta's quality label.

The Best-in-Test label enables premium pricing.


This YouGov survey was a real marketing experiment.
What happens when a new player is launched at a premium price position versus the perceived quality leader brand and the main private label brand?

Published: 30 Oct, 2023

Well, obviously, the initial study confirms marketing theory; with a low 7 % purchase intent amongst the respondents, the launch would be quite a disappointment.
If the new brand, however, can somehow provide proof of its superior quality, for example by having a strong third-party quality endorsement and the Testfakta Best-in-Test label on-pack, the purchase intent more than triples to an impressive 22 %. 

The Benchmark test

A Benchmark test is a full-scale comparative laboratory test of a representative sample of comparable products. The purpose is to show that you have the best product on the market. The test is suitable both for the market leader who needs to defend position and premium pricing and for quality-conscious challenger brands. As a client, you get a good picture of the market's range, valuable information about the quality and performance of your and your competitors' products and the opportunity to communicate to the market in a credible and effective way.

In a Benchmark project, we map the market, buy product samples, and use the leading test and research laboratories in Europe for a comparative test. The results are interpreted and evaluated in collaboration with the performing laboratory, and we highlight the most important differences and properties of the tested products in a short and easily accessible report.
If your product comes out as desired, it will have the right to carry Testfakta's quality label “Best in Test” for twelve months.