How we test - Béarnaise sauce

Sensory test setup. Image: The Taste Lab

Our tests of béarnaise sauce are conducted by an independent sensory agency, such as The Taste Lab in Stockholm.

Published: 8 Aug, 2024

Sensory Test

For the test, experienced chefs are recruited to taste and evaluate all products in a blind test.

The various samples are served in demo bowls coded with randomized three-digit codes. The panel is instructed to rinse their mouths with water and unsalted crackers between each sample.

The panel rates the following main aspects in terms of “preference”:

  • Taste
  • Consistency
  • Aroma
  • Appearance

And evaluate the following specific flavor characteristics in terms of “adequacy”:

  • Flavor intensity
  • Herb flavor
  • Tarragon flavor
  • Sweetness
  • Acidity

Chemical Analysis

The chemical analysis focuses on the amount of preservatives in the different products. The analysis is conducted by Eurofins Food & Feed Testing and covers sodium benzoate (benzoic acid) and potassium sorbate (sorbsic acid).

According to EU food regulations, emulsified products with a fat content exceeding 60 percent must not contain more than 100 mg/100g of either or the sum of the preservatives sodium benzoate (benzoic acid) and potassium sorbate (sorbic acid).

Interpretation and Rating

The rating is based solely on the results from the sensory part of the test.

The results from the sensory test are interpreted and rated in consultation with the conducting laboratory. The rating is done on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. Scores below 6.0 were only given for partial results that stood out strongly negatively.

In the overall rating, the results from the various aspects are weighted as follows:

  • Taste 60%
  • Consistency 20%
  • Appearance 10%
  • Aroma 10%